
Steps you can take to lower your cancer risk

Cancer Awareness Month

February is National Cancer Prevention Month, 42% of newly diagnosed cancers can be easily prevented in the US

There are several ways to reduce your risk of developing cancer, but the best approach is to follow a healthy diet that includes lots of vegetables and fruits. In addition, you should avoid processed meat and high-fat dairy products. You can reduce your cancer risk by drinking water instead of alcohol. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends that you eat as little as possible of processed meats and limit your consumption of animal fat.

Keeping your body active and keeping your weight under control, being obese can get you the risk of breast & colorectal cancer, doing workouts for 30 to 45 minutes a day, adding routine exercise to your everyday life will help your immunity to grow, reduce your weight and will lead to lowering the risk of having cancer.

Cancer Awareness Month

Melanoma commonly called Skin cancer causes due to over exposure to UV Radiation from the Sun Light, avoiding or protecting your skin from the harm rays of the sun would get you at less risk of having Skin cancer.

Check your Family tree and see if any one of your close relatives have had cancer before, “Understanding family history, genetics, and other risk factors can help patients and doctors determine when to screen. You just don’t have any time to waste,” said Dr. Clark.

Eating healthy is only one way to reduce your risk of cancer, but you can increase your chances of surviving it by adopting healthy habits. Not only can you lower your risk of other diseases, but you can also lower your risk of developing cancer by implementing healthy behaviors. Screening tests for colon and cervical cancer are also recommended to detect early cancers and improve your chances of survival. In addition, you should visit your doctor regularly for regular screenings.

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